Sunday, August 19, 2012

Reality check #1

This road trip has allowed my mind to focus on sightseeing, eating, and figuring out how to keep myself occupied for hours at a time in the car (hint: anything on the iPhone). Because of this, the trip itself is acting like a buffer between my old life and new life, and I've spent little time actually realizing that I am moving across the country. That changed yesterday, when I had my first reality check.

We were in line for a sightseeing boat tour on the river and lake around Chicago (pictures to follow in my next post from Memphis where I will have Wi-Fi), and Anthony started talking about Apple (surprise) and an issue he has been having with backing up his computer. We were brainstorming the best way for him to back up his computer given his current set up. I then proposed that he should back up his data to my external hard drive before doing anything. To this, Anthony asked, "And how will I use your hard drive when you're in California?" To which I replied, "Oh shit, you're right."

So that was the first time (but definitely won't be the last time) that I realized I am not on a vacation, but rather a move. Scary and exciting at the same time.

I know I have thousands of people religiously following this blog, and to them I apologize for the delay on pictures of Chicago. We are on the way to Memphis and I will show you all the cool stuff we saw in Chi-town, which includes the largest McDonald's I've ever seen, F-18 fighter jets over Lake Michigan, and fireworks from Navy Pier. Stay tuned, I'll check back in from the home of blues and BBQ.

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