Thursday, August 16, 2012

Welcome to my official road trip blog

Hello everyone! Welcome to my very first blog, where I will probably learn that blogging is not as easy as just signing up for a free Blogger account and talking about what you're doing and thinking every moment of the day. But we'll see, I'm going to try it anyway.

If you haven't already heard, I will be traversing the continental United States as I complete my move to San Francisco. Luckily, I have the help of a modern day automobile to help me travel the ~4000 miles between Pittsburgh and San Francisco, and I don't have to walk or a ride a bike (and I have an iPhone that tells me how to get there). You may notice that 4000 miles between Pittsburgh and San Francisco seems too high, but that's only because I decided to zigzag my way across the US. The plan, as it stands now, is to spend time in Chicago, Memphis, New Orleans, Austin, Grand Canyon, Las Vegas and LA. And before you even ask or check Google Maps, Memphis is south and west of Chicago. And they have great barbecue.

I have to confess that I did not plan this whole road trip myself. George and Anthony, my two roommates and two of my closest friends, are accompanying me on this adventure. They were kind enough to take a week off from work and give me some company as we head west (and north and south), and they also helped me plan the stops ("We have to go to Vegas.").

I'll try and post on Facebook when I update the blog, which should be fairly often since I will have plenty of free time in the car (and an iPhone). I'll also try and take some pictures of the sights and scenery, as well as most likely every meal we eat. Although, as a forewarning, there will not be any pictures of a dinner buffet in Vegas since we are staying clear of them this time around. We learned last time in Vegas that "eating just a little bit at a Vegas buffet" isn't possible. And neither is "drinking a lot of alcohol after eating a Vegas buffet."

Well, I feel accomplished having finished my first blog post. Stay tuned, as I will try to keep writing, keep it interesting, and keep it honest over the next week and a half.

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